First, ATLAS defines the macro ATL_USERMM to the appropriate ATLAS internal kernel name. Second, it defines one of SREAL, DREAL, SCPLX, DCPLX, according to the data type being compiled (single precision real, double precision real, single precision complex, double precision complex, respectively).
Similarly, ATLAS defines a macro indicating the case being
compiled, BETA1 (
should be assumed to be 1.0), BETA0
should be assumed to be 0.0), and BETAX
neither zero or one, and should be handled as an input parameter).
Finally, the fixed blocking factors for each dimension are defined
MB, NB, KB. Note that for our gemmK,
MB = NB = KB = ; they are separated out for
support of the cleanup codes, where they can be different. ATLAS also
defines the macros MB2, NB2, KB2, which are simply
two times the appropriate blocking factor.
Clint Whaley 2012-07-10