This section describes the code necessary to build the BLAS's general matrix-matrix multiply using an L1 cache-contained matmul (hereafter referred to as gemmK).
For our present discussion, it is enough to know that ATLAS has at its disposal highly optimized routines for doing matrix multiplies whose dimensions are chosen such that cache blocking is not required (i.e., the hand-written code discussed in this section deals with cache blocking; the generated/user supplied kernel assumes things fit into cache).
When the user calls GEMM, ATLAS must decide whether the problem
is large enough to tolerate copying the input matrices and
If the matrices are large enough to support this
overhead, ATLAS will
into block-major format. ATLAS's block-major format breaks up the input
matrices into contiguous blocks of a fixed size
, where
is chosen
in order to maximize L1 cache
reuse. Once in block-major format, the blocks are contiguous, which
eliminates TLB problems, minimizes cache thrashing and maximizes cache line
use. It also allows ATLAS to apply alpha (if alpha is not already one) to the
smaller of
, thus minimizing this cost as well. Finally, the
package can use the copy to transform the problem to a particular transpose
setting, which for load and indexing optimization, is set so
A is copied to transposed form, and B is in normal (non-transposed) form.
This means our L1-cache contained code is of the form
where all dimensions, including the non-contiguous stride, are known
to be
. Knowing all of the dimensions of the loops allows for
arbitrary unrollings (i.e., if the instruction cache could support it, ATLAS
could unroll all loops completely, so that the L1 cache-contained multiply
had no loops at all). Further, when the code generator knows leading dimension
of the matrices (i.e., the row stride), all indexing can be done up front,
without the need for expensive integer or pointer computations.
If the matrices are too small, the data copy cost can actually
dominate the algorithm cost, even though the computation cost is
For these matrices, ATLAS will call an gemm kernel which operates on non-copied
matrices (i.e. directly on the user's operands). The non-copy matmul kernels
will generally not be as efficient as the even the generated copy gemmK;
at this problem
size the main drawback is the additional pointer arithmetic required in order
to support the user-supplied leading dimension and its affect on the cost of
the memory load (which varies according to transpose settings, as well as
architectural features).
The choice of when a copy is dictated and when it is prohibitively expensive is an AEOS parameter; it turns out that this crossover point depends strongly both on the particular architecture, and the shape of the operands (matrix shape effectively sets limits on which matrix dimensions can enjoy cache reuse). To handle this problem, ATLAS simply compares the speed of the copy and non-copy matmul kernels for variously shaped matrices, varying the problem size until the copy code provides a speedup (on some platforms, and with some shapes, this point is never reached). These crossover points are determined at install time, and then used to make this decision at runtime. Because it is the dominant case, this paper describes only the copied matmul algorithm in detail.
Figure 1 shows the necessary steps for computing a
section of
using gemmK.
More formally, the following actions are performed in order to
calculate the
, where
are in
the range
As this example demonstrates, if a given dimension is not a multiple of
the L1 blocking factor , partial blocks results. ATLAS has special
routines that handle cases where one or more dimension is less than
these routines are referred to as cleanup codes.
Clint Whaley 2012-07-10