For any non-gnu compiler, you will additionally have to tell configure what flags are needed to tell the compiler to produce a shared library-compatible object file (you can skip this step if the compiler does so by default.
ATLAS always builds the static libraries, but the -shared command adds an additional step to the install which also builds two shared libraries:
After your build is complete, you can cd to your OBJdir/lib directory, and ask ATLAS to build the .so you want. If you want all libraries, including the FORTRAN77 routines, the target choices are:
Note that this support for building dynamic libraries is new in this release, and not well debugged or supported, and is much less likely to work for non-gnu compilers.
WINDOWS NOTE: If you are on Windows and using the MinGW compilers to work natively in windows (outside cygwin), then please see the errata file for additional instructions on enabling this porting.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Since gcc uses one less integer register when compiling with this flag, this could potentially impact performance of the architectural defaults, but we have not seen it so far. Therefore, do not throw this flag unless you want dynamic libraries. If you want both static and dynamic libs, the safest thing is probably to build ATLAS twice, once static and once dynamic, rather than getting both from a dynamic install.
R. Clint Whaley 2016-07-28