files that can be found whereever you installed the native
compilers. As an example, here is the complete
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/Cygwin.bat that worked for me under Windows 7:
@echo off C: chdir c:\Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/ call vcvarsall chdir c:\Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/bin call iclvars.bat intel64 call ifortvars.bat intel64 chdir C:\cygwin\bin bash --login -i
Presently, ATLAS allows you to change only the interfaces compilers with the native Windows compilers (the bulk of the library must be compiled with either cygwin/gcc or MinGW/gcc).
In order to use ifort for the F77 interfaces, add this flag to your configure line:
-C if ifort
In order to compile the C interface routines with icl (the command line interface to the Intel C++ compiler), add the flag:
-C ic icl
In order to compile the C interface routines with CL (the command line interface to MSVC++), add the flag:
-C ic cl
R. Clint Whaley 2016-07-28